Roast with the most! at The Landmark Bangkok
For the best dining deal in town, join our authentic English Roast, a veritable feast of Roasted Australian beef, New Zealand leg of lamb, honey glazed Gammon ham, Roasted herb chicken, smoked salmon, our signature Yorkshire pudding and much more. Don’t forget to wrap up your happiness with the dessert explosion like Yorkshire pudding baileys macarons, assorted cupcakes, chocolate mousse, and more (served to you unlimited) your perfect main dish soul mate.Enjoy the promotion every Saturday Dinner from 6.00 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 11.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Only Baht 790++ per person at Huntsman Pub located on basement floor of The Landmark Bangkok.
SPECIAL!!!! Come 4 pay 2.
For reservations, please call +66(0) 2254 0404 ext 7777